Breskve su kisele u toj meri
Da razvaljuju obraze sa strane
Risorius, Levator anguli oris, razvaljeni su
Očne jabuke, velike poput breskvi
Bez krvi su
Samo glavni nerv
Rozikast, prokrvljen i mesnat.
Kiselost sa zidova usne duplje
Povlači se i kroz očne duplje izbija
Zlo priziva.
Ruka grabi vrat, stiska ga
Ispušta se nekakav zvuk
Ne „pomoć“, ne „ubij“
Tup zvuk, poslednji zvuk.
Telo pomak ne sačinjava
Pomaku ne teži
Jezik ostaje slatkast
Kapi znoja kao slatko ulje
Padaju sa tela bezosećajno.
Risorius zarasta / Risorius razvaljen ostaje.
English translation:
Peaches are sour to that extent
That they destroy sides of the cheeks
Risorius, Levator anguli oris are shattered
Eye apples, big as peaches
Without blood they are
Only the main nerve
Pink, bloodied and meaty.
Sourness from the walls of the mouth
Is pulling out of the eye holes
Summons evil.
The hand grabs the neck, squeezes it
A sound is made
Not „kill“, not „help“
Dull sound, last sound.
The body is not making a move
Moving is not what it yearns for
The tongue remains sweet
Drops of sweat as sweet oil
Are falling emotionless from a body.
Risorius heals / Risorius destroyed remains.
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