The Wheatfield

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23.09.2024. | Drama

I walked…..i walked and walked

It’s an endless path, full of dust and dirt. A wheat field is all around me, i can’t see the end of it. I have been walking for a while now, i don’t remember when i started, i don’t remember anything. I feel like i been walking for ages now, don’t know how I got here though. Ahi see her again. Again? Did i see her before? Don’t remember that either but she seems so familiar. A woman is standing in the wheat field, now that i think about it, she is the only one and only thing i saw beside the wheat field and this path. She is, looking at me? I see her smiling. It’s a beautiful smile, one worth a million. She has long braided brown hair and is wearing a beautiful pink rose dress. Who is she? I know her, yet i don’t. She is like a dream i know i had yet i don’t remember what happened. I’m trying to speak to her, but i can’t, words aren’t leaving my mouth, like prisoners, I feel like they are kept in

Walking, i can only keep walking. The is no end to this, everything looks the same and i can only move forward. No, no…. Now i get it, I‘m not moving, my body is walking like it has its own free will. I want to stop, but, there is nothing i can do. How do i escape this nightmare, its driving me mad! That woman! She must know

I have been walking for some time now, i still didn’t see that woman again. Why do i feel like i know her? There! There she is again, now i need to make her help me. That smile again, it’s so beautiful…. No, i need to ask her, how do i get out of here. Again! I cant speak, i can’t stop either. No! Please, i can’t do this anymore! She is just smiling at me, do something! Maybe, she is same as me, maybe she can only smile?

I now passed that woman more times then i can count, still, nothing. I’m walking, I’m walking, it’s been so long since i started yet i don’t feel tired, i don’t even remember half of it. Damn it, i don’t understand any of it. Is it a dream? 

Woman: it’s not a dream, you know.

Huh? I didn’t even notice her this time, and she speaks to me now? That woman, why now? No, that is not important, I need to speak to her. But i can’t, my body is not listening to me, I‘m gonna walk past her. All I can do is look at her

Woman: You always stared at me like that, even before all this. You never change, huh? 

How do you know me? I want to ask her a million questions, but i can’t even say a single word

Woman: You always looked at me like some priceless trophy, yet you never treated me like one. I know you wanna say many things, but you can’t, your punishment is to walk and walk and walk, for the rest of eternity

Punishment? Eternity? No, impossible! What did I do? I can’t just do this forever! I’m going crazy already

Woman: This is what you deserve, what you get for treating me like that

I couldn’t say anything, i can’t stop, i went on moving. What crime did i commit? What did i do to her? Was i a fool before? Why don’t i at least remember? 

Woman: Because you asked me to make you forget

There she is again, this time, she is a little quicker than before. If only i can speak to her, then it would all make sense, I’m sure of it 

Woman: It’s better that you don’t knowTrust me.

No! I want to know, whatever it is, i need to  know what did i do to deserve this!

Woman: For now, keep walking, it’s your destiny and punishment after all

I don’t know what to do. I can’t speak to her, but it seems she knows what I’m thinking, so maybe i can use that to get something out of her. She is still smiling, she is saying harsh things, but, she just smiles. How beautiful she is! I’m gonna try speaking to her next time i see her, through my thoughts.

So i kept on walking, and walking. It seems I’m serving my punishment. It’s been quite some time now, she should have been here already. Why isn’t she here now! I need her! It’s been so long now, I’m walking and walking, it feels like eternity has passed already, yet now she is gone. Please! I want to cry, but it seems I’m a slave to my body now. I can’t speak, I can’t stop, I can’t cry, I can’t do anything but walk. So i walked, and walked and walked

I have been walking for so long I think I went crazy many times. I don’t think i have a sound mind after all of this, i don’t think anyone would

There!! Finally, i see her! Oh how long has it been, and your smile is as beautiful as ever

Now, lady, I know you can hear my thoughts, please tell me what is going on!

Woman: As I said, you are serving your punishment that you committed against me. Now keep walking, that’s your destiny and punishment after all

Please! I beg of you! Just tell me something, anything. What did I do to hurt you!?

Woman: You? You killed me! 

That was the first time she stopped smiling. I didn’t even register what she said at firstthe fact that her smile is gone, it’s like my world went under. I killed you? How? Why? You got to tell me! Please! 

I kept on walkingShe didn’t say a word after that

Damn it! Curse her! Curse her! How can she say it to me, and punish me for a crime i don’t know i committed. None of this is real, it can’t be, I killed someone? What a laugh. Next time i see her, I’m gonna say what I really mean

Again, it was a long time until I saw her again. I see her in the distance. Now she’s gonna hear! 

Oh…. Of course. Her smile is gone now. What a shame, I loved her smile

I was gonna say a lot of things to her, but i couldn’t even fathom a thought

Women: What is it? You wanted to know what you did, i told you. Are you know satisfied? 

How can I be? I don’t even know you, or anyone for that matter! How could I kill you? 

Woman: I ask myself that everyday tooBut i can’t find the answer. You asked to forget everything. Now you ask to know what happened. I’m only here to give you comfort, like I always have

Like you always had? How long have I known you? Who are you even

Woman: Finally you ask me something that isn’t concerned about you. My name doesn’t matter, you and I were very close, until

 I killed you. 

Woman: Yes

Please, I need to know why. Please, give me comfort, one last time

Woman: You needed me. And when you couldn’t have me, you did what you did.

 I loved you? 

Woman: Oh yes. Very much so

That’s why you are so familiar. Even if i don’t remember anything, I feel like I know what you are talking about. And you say i asked you i forget what happened? 

Woman: Yes, you said you knew you wouldn’t forgive yourself. So now you wonder, on an empty path, forever serving your sentence

I walked…. I walked and walked 

I killed her, and so now I’m serving my sentence forever? 

It’s been so long, i passed her so many times, i can’t even count them. She doesn’t speak or smile to me anymore. She only looks at me. The comfort of her smile and voice is gone now, the only thing I can do is move forward. I’m…. tired. I feel like i walked for years now. I just want this to stop already. Something died in me, I’m not even angry anymore, it’s not in me to show emotions now. Woman is still here from time to time. She doesn’t speak to me or smile at me anymore. She doesn’t look angry, she seems sad

Why are you sad? 

Woman: It’s about you. 

Huh? My eyes light up, just like something died in me when she stopped talking to me, now I’m alive again. I could even smile.

 Woman: It’s a sad sight to see you like this.

Well, you said i deserve it 

Woman: Yeah, i did say that.

You’re never gonna tell me why I did this? Woman: Sorry, never. 

I don’t think I’m ever gonna get used to this.

 Woman: Me neither

Can you tell me one thing? 

Woman: What is it? 

Why did you stop smiling? 

Oh no, I made her cry. I’m sorry, i didn’t mea- 

Woman: Thank you, thank you! 

Even though tears, she finally made a smile. I was shocked. I didn’t even know what to say. But, that might be the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. I feel like the world is really pretty right now. Next time I see her, I’m gonna make her smile again! Yes! I can’t wait, I’m gonna do it. I WILL MAKE HER SMILE! 

It’s been ages, i didn’t see her for so long. I’m not even angry, she is gonna show up, and I’m gonna make her smile, that is my purpose now. So I’m gonna walk, and walk, until I see her again

I walked…..i walked and walked

It’s an endless path, full of dust and dirt. A wheat field is all around me, i can’t see the end of it. I have been walking for a while now, i don’t remember when i started, i don’t remember anything. I feel like I’ve been walking for ages now, don’t know how I got here though. Ahi see her again. Again? 

Did i see her before? Don’t remember that either but she seems so familiar. A woman is standing in the wheat field, now that i think about it, she is the only one and only thing i saw beside the wheat field and this path. She is, looking at me? I see her smiling. It’s a beautiful smile, one worth a million. She has long braided brown hair and is wearing a beautiful pink rose dress. Oh how beautiful is she! 


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